Autism Red Flags

Red Flags of Autism

Impairement in Social Interaction

  • Lack of appropriate eye gaze.
  • Lack of warm, joyful expressions.
  • Lack of sharing interest or enjoyment.
  • Lack of response to name.

Impairment in Communication

  • Has difficulties making eye contact or using it to regulate social interactions.
  • Tends to look and listen less to people in their environment or fails to respond to other people.
  • Rarely seeks to share their enjoyment of toys or activities by pointing or showing things to others.
  • Demonstrates difficulty or inconsistency in responding to their name or other verbal attempts to gain their attention.
  • May not exhibit or be slow to develop nonverbal communication such as gestures like pointing, waving, clapping, etc.
  • Demonstrates delays in language or inconsistent use of language skills.
  • Repeats words or phrases that they hear, or exhibits what is known as echolalia.

Repetitive Behaviors & Restrictive Interests:

  • Demonstrates repetitive movements with objects.
  • Demonstrates repetitive posturing of body, arms, hands, or fingers.
  • May demonstrate an intense focus on certain objects or activities.
  • Demonstrates motor mannerisms, such as flapping hands or repeatedly bouncing up and down.
  • Engages in sensory-seeking behaviors.
  • Has sensitivity to noise or other sensory sensations (touch, auditory, visual, taste).
  • May engage in repetitive play such as spinning the wheels on a toy car instead of using it how it was intended to be used.


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