Early Intervention and Special Education in Texas
Ages 0-3 years – Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)
EcI Is a statewide program for families with children, birth to three, with disabilities and developmental delays. ECI supports families to help their children reach their potential through developmental services. Services are provided by a variety of local agencies and organizations across Texas.
ECI provides evaluations and assessments, at no cost or low cost to families. ECI asks families who can afford to do so, to share in the cost allowable deductions. No child and family will be turned away because of an inability to pay. Families and professionals work as a team to plan appropriate services based on the unique needs of the child and family.
For more information about ECI or to refer your child or locate the program nearest you, call the DARS inquiries Line at 1-800-628-511.
ECI Providers are listed below by county
Dallas County
The Warren Center
320 Custer Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080
Referral number (972) 490 9055
Metrocare Services
1353 N. Westmoreland Bldg F
Dallas, TX 75211
Referrak Number (214)331-0109
Dallas Center, INC.
8550 Cadenza Lane
Dallas Tx 75228
Referral Number: (214) 328-7486
Collin County
Lifepath Systems
POBox 828
Mckinney TX 75070
Referral Number (972)562-0331 Ext 2255
Tarrant County
MHMR of Tarrant County
3880 Hulen St #400
Fort Worth TX 76016
Referral number (888)754- 0524

Ages 3-21 – Special Education Services
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal special education law. in addition to ECI services it covers children from ages 3-21 with particular disabilities. It requires local educational agencies (school districts) to provide special education and related services for children who have one or more of the 13 disabilities specified in the law. In Texas, most laws, regulations, and procedures relating to IDEA are administered by the Texas, Education Agency (TEA). Special education services for these age group is provided by your local school district. All children regardless of their disability are provide free and appropriate serves by their local school district.
If your child is 3 or above and has a disability, you should request a Full and Individualized Evaluation (FIE) to see if your child can benefit from special education services. The school will do a to complete evaluation after you consent to the test. These evaluations are free.
If you have more questions about how your child can receive these services or you are not able to get your school to provide you services, please contact us so we can guide you through the process. Below you will find some great resources to help you.
Special Education Resources
School District Special Education Departments in DFW Area
Richardson ISD
701 W. Belt Line Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080
469 593 7500
Especial Education
Plano ISD Special Education Services
2700 W. 15th Street
plano TX 75075
(469) 7528240
Dallas ISD Special Education Services
Pegasus Complex
912 S. Ervay Street
Dallas TX 75201
(972)581 4100
Garland ISD Special Education
501 S. Jupitor Rd.
Garland, TX 75042
(972) 487-3300
Frisco ISD Special Education
5516 Ohio Drive F
Frisco, tX 75035
Allen ISD Special Education
612 E. Bethany Dr.
A;;emd TX 75002
(972)727 0511
Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD
2114 Frankford
Carrollton, TX 75007
Irving ISD Special Education
2621 W. Airport Freeway
Irving TX 75069